
 Closing of Loan Accounts of officers dying in harnes

As a measure of compassion, the State Government have decided to write off/waive the outstanding liabilities in the case of Government employees whose remittances were made without default while they were in service. This is subject to certain conditions as mentioned below:-
Amount written off/waived will be limited to Rupees 5 lakhs.
If the total liability exceeds Rupees 5 lakhs, priority for write off/waive will be given first to the Interest Free Medical Advance for medical treatment, then to the interest on HBA/MCA and balance to the Principal portion of HBA/MCA.
In the case of joint loan, when one party dies, the case will be considered individually at Government level.
The applicant should furnish along with the application for write off, an affidavit duly certified by a Notary Public of the locality to the effect that the advance (HBA/MCA/Medical treatment) has been fully utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Personal Computer Advance outstanding at the time of death of Government servant also has been brought under the scheme by the issue of GO (P) 11/03/Fin dated 6.1.2003.

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